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Health Care that Gets Developers

GetDoctor is a personalized health care offering specifically designed for Developers and Technology Workers.

Book a Free Discovery Session

Get Back More of Your Time

Your time is important - with long hours and demanding project schedules, GetDoctor allows you to spend less time in a waiting room and more time doing what matters: taking care of yourself.

Enjoy Your Dev Job More

The GetDoctor program gives you more focus and better health so that the demands of technology work is more enjoyable and more productive.

Get Proactive with Your Health

Much like a development project, your body and mind acquire the equivalent of tech debt. Unlike traditional health care, GetDoctor is a preventative approach, empowering you to take care of your health before it becomes an issue.

As a software developer, your dedication to your craft comes with its own set of challenges:

Tech work is hard on your body.

Neck and Back Pain

Hours of coding can take a toll on your posture, leading to chronic pain.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Tasks like typing can lead to conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome

Weight Gain

Sedentary work life leads to inactivity and weight challenges.

Tech work is hard on your mind.

Mental Health

The high demands of your job can escalate stress, leading to depression and anxiety.

Insomnia & Headaches

The blue light from screens and work stress disrupt your sleep patterns and  contribute to frequent headaches.

Eye Strain

Continuous screen time strains your eyes, affecting your vision and causing discomfort.

Introducing GetDoctor

A patient-focused health care plan that brings you the best of both worlds: Direct primary care with customized concierge service

An image of a female doctor wearing a lab coat
Convenient virtual access to a physician who specializes in technology workers
Create an ongoing patient-physician relationship so your personal needs are addressed
Get a tailored plan with discounted labs and healthcare products
Meet Doctor Pappy

How GetDoctor Works


Your customized plan focuses on these pillars of health: Diet and Nutrition, Movement and Exercise, Proper Sleep, and Stress Reduction.

Custom Health Plan

During a virtual visit we discuss your goals for your health, family history, and review your test results to come up with a customized plan together.

Physician Guidance

Our Physician driven program ensures that you have access to the best guidance at every step of your journey to better health.


We look at your genetics to help guide us with making an actionable health plan. Your genes are NOT your destiny, but they can provide valuable insights.


We check your biomarkers to determine what your current health is at this moment in time. We can repeat this testing throughout the year to monitor progress.

Your Health

Our Physician driven program ensures that you have access to the best guidance at every step of your journey to better health.

A Custom Health Care Plan for Developers

Explore our comprehensive solutions tailored to counteract the occupational hazards of software development.

Diet & Nutrition

Diet plans crafted by nutrition experts, focusing on foods that boost cognitive function, energy levels, and overall health.

Exercise & Movement

Counteract the sedentary nature of coding with customized exercise and movement routines.

Stress Management

Tools and techniques to help you manage work-related anxiety, improve your sleep, and enhance your overall mental well-being.

Vision Care Programs

Vision Care Programs are designed to safeguard one of your most precious assets: your eyesight.

Community Support

Connect with a community of like-minded developers seeking a healthier lifestyle.

Improve your Development Career

GetDoctor helps you achieve your development career goals as healthy and happy as possible

Image of a smiling male member of the workforce

Less Work Stress

Reduce stress and enhance your well-being with personalized support, stress management techniques, and proactive health monitoring

More Focus for Coding

Ensure you have the energy and mental clarity to excel in your development work.
Image of a developer on her computer wearing headphones and showing the code on the screen
Image of an employee at their desk shown from the back as they use their computer

Reduced Deskbound Discomfort

Minimize discomfort and enhance your overall well-being allowing you to work more comfortably and effectively.

Enjoy life more

Being successful as a developer doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your personal life. Gain more time in your day, and feel better, when your health becomes your priority.
Learn More
Image of two people enjoying a hike in the woods
I stumbled upon GetDoctor at a time when I was facing burnout. Skeptical, I decided to give it a shot. In just a few weeks, the changes were palpable. The whole process showed me how intertwined my health was with my work. I started following the advice on nutrition, exercise tailored for desk jobs, and mindfulness practices. What a difference it’s already made!
Jason Rhoades
CTO at Toolbox 9

Simple, Straight-Forward Pricing

The price you see is the price you pay. No shenanigans.

$120 / Month

Basic Level

  • Access to discounted labs, testing, supplements etc.
  • Provide care for your ongoing healthcare needs
$180 / month

Platinum Level

Everything in Basic Level +
  • Genetic & biomarker testing
  • Quarterly in depth physician visits focused on preventative care/optimizing health
  • Urgent care visits
  • Discounted supplements
  • Discounted imaging
$230 / month

Diamond Level

Everything in Platinum Level +
  • Preventative imaging studies
  • Nutrient testing
  • Stool testing
  • Unlimited access to physician

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a doctor visit last?

Typically a visit lasts 45-60 minutes. This should give ample time for you to ask questions and the doctor to get to know you and understand your goals.

Are visits online or in person?

Online only at this time.

How often can I see my doctor?

Quarterly for in-depth 60 minute visits, and as needed for any other concerns you may have. We’re here for you!

Does this replace my current doctor (PCP)?

We are happy to offer virtual primary care to help manage sick care visits and chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

However, we do NOT provide: Physicals, Vaccines, Prescriptions for controlled substances, Routine Screenings, Emergent care needs.

Do you work with my current doctor?

Yes! We are happy to work with any doctors you are under the care of. We can send all your medical records to your doctor.

Do you take insurance/medicaid?

In order to provide in depth visits, transparent pricing, individualized and preventative care without limitation, we do not take insurance.

Can I use an HSA (health savings account) or FSA to pay?

Yes we accept HSA/FSA forms of payment, but we recommend that you check with your plan to ensure services are covered.

Who should I call if I’m sick?

We are happy to offer virtual primary care to help manage sick care visits and chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. We do NOT offer emergency services.

Can you prescribe medications?

Yes, we can prescribe medications if necessary.

Does this plan qualify for proof of health care coverage when I file my taxes?

Contact us for more information.

Deploy a Healthier Lifestyle Today

Your Health, Personalized and Simplified. With our comprehensive health solutions, taking control of your well-being has never been easier. Join us on a journey to a healthier, more balanced life.

Book a Free Discovery Session